Saturday, June 20, 2009

Faces of Sunset Boulevard: A Portrait of Los Angeles

Faces of Sunset Boulevard

Title: Faces of Sunset Boulevard: A Portrait of Los Angeles

Written by: Patrick Ecclesine

Publisher: Santa Monica Press


Faces of Sunset Boulevard: A Portrait of Los Angeles is a collection of photographs of the people who live, work, play, and shape Los Angeles. Some are making fortunes along the route; others are just trying to survive to see another day. Patrick Ecclesine captures the city’s dreams, dreamers, and, at times, nightmares using the most famous boulevard in the world as the setting for his photographs.

The individuals featured range from the famous (Governor Schwarzenegger, Larry King, Fernando Valenzuela) to the unknown (a street vendor, an undocumented worker, a bus driver) to the unwanted (a homeless man, a single mother on welfare, a drug addict).

Other archetypal Angeleno figures—from a television weathergirl sensation to a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon to surfers in Pacific Palisades to the eccentric and outlandish denizens of the Sunset Strip—stand side by side in these pages, capturing the eclectic nature of the City of Angels and its most colorful thoroughfare, Sunset Boulevard.

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