Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brett McCarthy: Work in Progress

Title: Brett McCarthy: Work in Progress

Written by: Maria Padian

Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers



Brett McCarthy lives for soccer, vocabulary words, and her largerthan-life grandmother, Nonna. Unfortunately, Brett's got a huge mouth she can't seem to tame and opinions she can't keep to herself. It's thanks in part to both of those things (well, really, the evil Jeanne Anne) that Brett finds herself going from good student and BFF to Diane, to twicesuspended, friendless, and lunching with the principal every day. Indefinitely. So when Nonna starts going for lots of medical tests and no one will tell her why, Brett's already turned-upside down world goes from bad to worse, and she's not sure where she fits, who she is, or how to make right what she, and her big fat mouth, have made wrong. Maria Padian makes her literary debut with a laugh-out-loud coming-of-age novel about one smart-mouthed 14-year-old who's learning the hard way that she is a work in progress.

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